Between the 23rd and 26th of January a couple of events took place in the course of a PhD week at Middlesex University, London. A lecture on human-factor based design principles ...
A VALCRI research paper has been awarded Best Paper Honorable Mention at IEEE InfoVis, the premier venue for research in Data Visualization. The paper, entitled Map Lineups: Effects of Spatial Structure on Graphical ...
Between the 18th and 20th of July, a hackathon took place at Middlesex University, London. 12 people attended the hackathon. They looked into different issues regarding the assembly box, concept explorer, associative search, ...
The International Crime and Intelligence Analysis Conference 2016 was held at the Manchester Central Conference Centre UK on the 25th and 26th February 2016. Opening with a plenary and continuing ...
UI software developers gathered for a week of collaborative coding in January 2016. Seven of our partners were represented, and having so many of us in the same room allowed us to ...
We have had a successful Mid-Term Review (MTR1) meeting at the beginning of November in Brussels where the work of Phase 1 and selected prototypes that resulted of this work ...
This week we presented our work on human issues at the annual meeting of The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society HFES 2015. The conference of the world’s largest scientific association ...
The VALCRI meeting in Graz took place from 28 September until 1 October 2015.
VALCRI provided sponsorship to the 5th European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference EISIC 2015 in Manchester, UK (https://www.eisic.eu/). This was part of the project’s dissemination activities. Through VALCRI, Dr Joe ...
A three-day Project workshop and a board meeting with EAB and IEB was held in Krakow from 2nd to 4th June 2015. An exceptional opportunity was given on Day 2, when ...