Keywords Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs), law enforcement, EU Directive 2016/680, Visual Analytics VALCRI WHITE PAPER SERIES VALCRI-WP-2017-12 DPIA Guidelines – Methodological Comparison
VALCRI provides a challenging and overwhelming high-dimensional dataset that comprises of hundreds of extracted semantic features in addition to the usual spatiotemporal information or metadata. To overcome the curse of ...
This White Paper seeks to illustrate how the LEP guidelines and several legal requirements are set to be further operationalized in the VALCRI project. Based on VALCRI’s data management policy ...
In criminal intelligence analysis to complement the information entailed and to enhance the transparency of the operations, it demands logs of the individual processing activities within an automated processing system. ...
The training and development of criminal intelligence professionals has long suffered from a range of challenges including the absence of rigorous training standards and a failure to embrace new disciplines ...
The EU FP7 funded VALCRI project is the research and development of a visual analytics system for sense making in criminal intelligence analysis. In order to undertake the research and ...
This paper presents a framework that deals with psychological aspects that are relevant in the daily work of criminal analysts. These aspects include structuring and reasoning of criminal information, understanding ...
This White Paper presents some research and findings from the EU-funded R&D project VALCRI with regard to the requirement of transparency from legal, ethical, and data protection perspective. Thereby, it ...
This paper outlines the goals and major high-level challenges regarding security and privacy within VALCRI, and provides a discussion of the state-of-the-art and VACLRI approaches to overcome respective limitations in ...
A major challenge of criminal intelligence analysis is to process large amount of semi-structured or unstructured data such as textual documents and videos and to extract useful information out of ...