VALCRI has completed its second Mid-Term Review (MTR-2). The review was held in Brussels on 24 March 2017. The Consortium presented the integrated prototype.
The launch of our new OpenPMF 4.0 Security Policy Automation Platform during RSA 2017 was a great success The new OpenPMF 4.0 release was very well received by the press, ...
Exipple Studio has some great news to share: Their product Gestoos won the 2nd place in the Cisco Innovation Grand Challenge out of 5718 total submissions from companies worldwide. Exipple ...
The first VALCRI Strategic Foresight and Scenario Planning Workshop for European police analysts was carried out at Middlesex University in London from 31 Oct – 2 Nov 2016. The three-day ...
On the suggestion of our partners at West Midlands Police, VALCRI was invited by the C-LINK Network to present a talk and provide a demonstration of VALCRI at the recent British ...
A VALCRI research paper has been awarded Best Paper Honorable Mention at IEEE InfoVis, the premier venue for research in Data Visualization. The paper, entitled Map Lineups: Effects of Spatial Structure on Graphical ...
Between the 18th and 20th of July, a hackathon took place at Middlesex University, London. 12 people attended the hackathon. They looked into different issues regarding the assembly box, concept explorer, associative search, ...