SpaceApps is an independent company founded in 1987 whose aim is to be a leading provider of system and operations engineering as well as software engineering expertise in the field of space and aerospace and to apply these capabilities to industrial applications. In order to continue to maintain our technological advantages we invest in research and technology development. As a focal point for this we have established an avionics and robotics laboratory as well as a virtual environment and human machine interfaces laboratory.
The Knowledge Management Team is involved in knowledge acquisition, decision support, natural language interfaces and Question/Answering technology development. For example, it has experience with the design and development of the ULISSE e-collaboration portal, and led the domain knowledge modelling, the service oriented platform and the client applications development and participated in ISO standardization committees.
Operations and Training Team performs end-to-end planning, preparation, implementation and execution of spacecraft and facility operations and training, including astronaut training. In developing these lessons we analyse the subject domain with domain experts, we establish the learning structures and pre-requisites, we design curricula and lessons and we follow an instructional design process to identify the best way to implement the lessons, (view graphs, animations, simulations and hands on).
Natural language processing, semantic models (Topic Maps), visualization, event detection, data synthesis, software engineering and system integration, training and dissemination & exploitation.