VALCRI provides a challenging and overwhelming high-dimensional dataset that comprises of hundreds of extracted semantic features in addition to the usual spatiotemporal information or metadata. To overcome the curse of ...
This White Paper seeks to illustrate how the LEP guidelines and several legal requirements are set to be further operationalized in the VALCRI project. Based on VALCRI’s data management policy ...
In criminal intelligence analysis to complement the information entailed and to enhance the transparency of the operations, it demands logs of the individual processing activities within an automated processing system. ...
The VALCRI architecture is built from different Docker containers that speak with each other using mostly REST interfaces. The architecture is designed to incorporating Security, Ethics, Privacy and Legal (SEPL) solutions. ...
D. Sacha, L. Zhang, M. Sedlmair, J. A. Lee, J. Peltonen, D. Weiskopf, S. C. North and D. A. Keim. Visual Interaction with Dimensionality Reduction: A Structured Literature Analysis.IEEE Transactions on ...
D. Sacha, H. Senaratne, B. C. Kwon, G. Ellis, and D. A. Keim, “The Role of Uncertainty, Awareness, and Trust in Visual Analytics,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, ...
P. H. Nguyen, K. Xu, R. Walker, B. L. W. Wong, P. H. Nguyen, K. Xu, R. Walker, and B. L. W. Wong, “SchemaLine: timeline visualization for sensemaking,” presented at ...