The first VALCRI Strategic Foresight and Scenario Planning Workshop for European police analysts was carried out at Middlesex University in London from 31 Oct – 2 Nov 2016. The three-day workshop involved 22 police analysts from 6 European countries. The workshop leader, Chris Pallaris, Director of i-Intel, a partner of the VALCRI consortium, taught the course – which covered a variety of strategic forecasting and planning tools and techniques. Course participants used the frameworks to prepare strategic forecasts and assessments of their impacts on their Forces. The course was developed through i-Intel’s research in VALCRI. This course is one of the exploitable outcomes from the project that has already led to invitations from police forces to run similar courses at their sites but to be directly employed in the Force’s strategic planning activities. More courses will be trialled in next few months, for example, an Advanced Analyst Course to be held early November 2016 at the West Midlands Police.
Professor B.L. William Wong
Project Coordinator – VALCRI FP7-IP-608142
Head Interaction Design Centre
Middlesex University, London, UK