This week we presented our work on human issues at the annual meeting of The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society HFES 2015. The conference of the world’s largest scientific association ...
The VALCRI meeting in Graz took place from 28 September until 1 October 2015.
VALCRI provided sponsorship to the 5th European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference EISIC 2015 in Manchester, UK (https://www.eisic.eu/). This was part of the project’s dissemination activities. Through VALCRI, Dr Joe ...
A three-day Project workshop and a board meeting with EAB and IEB was held in Krakow from 2nd to 4th June 2015. An exceptional opportunity was given on Day 2, when ...
A three-day Project workshop and Board meeting was held on 10 – 12th Feb 2015 in Linköping, Sweden.
A three-day workshop was held at the Middlesex University Malta Campus to identify the work-plan for Phase 1 development.
The October planning and scoping workshop was held in Barcelona.
The third three-day Invention Workshop was held in Leuven, Belgium, from Sept 10th-12th. Again the focus lied on UX Architecture ideas.
The second invention workshop was held in Berlin from August 12th-14th. Partners presented prototypes developed between workshop 1 and 2 and collected feedback from the end users.
June 2014: Following meetings with our end-users at the West Midlands Police in Birmingham, members of the VALCRI team met with end-users with the Local Police in Antwerp.