From June 7-9 2016 another 3-day Consortium Meeting with End Users, EAB and IEB took place in Vienna. The chief purpose to undertake a rigorous assessment of VALCRI progress at ...
On February 1st a workshop on the Directive for data protection in the police and justice sectors was organised in Leuven at the Faculty of Law of KU Leuven. Fanny Coudert ...
Between the 26th and the 29th of April, a hackathon took place in SpaceApps premises in Zaventem, Belgium. Above 10 people attended the hackathon. They looked into different issues regarding ...
A meeting with the main objective to work on the operationalisation of the four design principles imagination, insight, transparency, and fluidity & rigour took place in Warsaw on 18-19th April ...
A meeting on Provenance Ontology took place in Linkoping on 11-15th April 2016.
The International Crime and Intelligence Analysis Conference 2016 was held at the Manchester Central Conference Centre UK on the 25th and 26th February 2016. Opening with a plenary and continuing ...
A VALCRI Consortium and Board meeting was held on 2 – 4th Feb 2016 at the Middlesex University Malta Campus.
UI software developers gathered for a week of collaborative coding in January 2016. Seven of our partners were represented, and having so many of us in the same room allowed us to ...
We have had a very challenging year – getting up to speed, understanding what to build, completing deliverables, developing prototypes, and fronting up at the Mid-Term Review 1. Cheers to ...
We have had a successful Mid-Term Review (MTR1) meeting at the beginning of November in Brussels where the work of Phase 1 and selected prototypes that resulted of this work ...